Release notes upKeeper 4.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ upKeeper Manager Web 4.10 ----------------------------------------------------------------- New functions Intune MDM sync (9627): Toggle sync of Intune MDM devices on the configuration page "MDM". API-settings for Azure is also required, located on the "Azure" tab. Computers and devices on user page (10316): A new tab 'computers' has been added showing computers for the user. Devices will show devices for the user regardless of source. Intune MDM devices (9627): The device page has a new field "Source" that is set to either Upkeeper/DuoStation/Intune. The actions dropdown only show actions available depending on this source. Upkeeper devices have no actions. External Report system Override (9816): The flags "reportUrlOverride", "reportOrgIdKeyOverride", "reportUserIdKeyOverride" can now be used inside the configuration file. Setting "reportUrlOverride" to an external URL makes upKeeper replace its default reporting system with the provided system - providing the organisation ID and the User ID as parameters. "reportOrgIdKeyOverride", "reportUserIdKeyOverride" can be used to alter these keys as seen in the URL. Azure AD user import (9815): Organization settings for Azure AD user import is available on the Azure tab page. Computer issues (9663): A device can now be marked with issues inside the advanced tab inside the device settings. Customer Service System Configuration (9842): Configuration for external CSS system is now possible via a tab in the configuration page. Currently only supports Zendesk. Organization's Zendesk tickets (9849): Added a table that lists an organization's active Zendesk tickets. Computer's Zendesk tickets (9868): Added a table that lists a computer's active Zendesk tickets, if the ticket has the corresponding computer name as a tag. Add Zendesk ticket (9850): Zendesk ticket creation dialog was added. Edit Zendesk ticket (9857, 9869): Zendesk ticket editing dialog was added. Zendesk ticket tagging (9862): Tags can be added to tickets via the create or edit dialog. Sharing applications (9628): A checkbox "Is shared" has been added to the advanced tab on an application. When checked it will display a new tab "Sharing". On this tab the user can create read only, synchronized copies of the application in other organizations by adding them to the list. Report Inventory - Operating system versions (10290): A new report has been added that lists OS versions, build numbers and code names. Bug fixes Report Inventory - List all computers shows deleted computers (8851): The report now excludes deleted computers Unintentional modal closing (9194): When copying a device, the accompanying modal no longer closes if the mouse is released outside of the modal. Two-factor authentication submission (9586): Using enter to submit the security code no longer triggers an invalid POST request during setup. Application ReplacedBy field refresh (8673): The field 'Replaced By' now shows the replaced application upon selecting it. Warning prompt for deleting admins (9953): A warning prompt now appears when trying to delete an administrative user through the administration page. Delete and Add options removed for company admins in roles (10017): The UI inside the admin interface no longer lets the user delete or create new roles if they have the companyadmin role. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Admin API 4.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New functions New Import User POST request (10023): a new post method exists that creates users that have no logon details, which lets them show up in the system. New Get, Post, Put and Delete request for new table ComputerIssue (9663): New methods exist for manipulating issues connected to devices. Save Customer Service System Configuration (9843): Configuration is stored in organization settings. New GET request for Zendesk Tickets (9848, 9894, 9867): Gets an organization's or computer's active tickets. Searching is possible and also filtering on tags. New POST request for Zendesk Ticket (9855): Creates a Zendesk ticket. New PUT request for Zendesk Ticket (9856): Updates an existing Zendesk ticket. Sharing applications (9628): New methods for adding/removing sharing organizations. Bug fixes Double report service URLs (9321): Only one setting exists after this fix. Device Inventory build number (9197): The inventory of a device now shows its appropriate build number. Removal of the unique name criteria for deleted computers (9193): The API now longer rejects a name if a previous device had existed at some point with that name. Mobile Application size overflow (9241): The parameter type for app size was changed from int to long. Add already existing computers that previously came from groups (9188): The API no longer filters out computers if inherited from group. Roles Add and Delete permission (10017): A user must now have the role as an upkeeperAdmin to create new roles or delete them. Batch jobs with inactive groups (8533): The batch job service now filters for active groups before doing any checks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Application server 4.10 --------------------------------------------------------------- New functions Intune MDM sync (9627): IntuneHandler is now separated into IntuneComputerImportHandler and IntuneMdmImportHandler. If Intune MDM sync is turned on, the IntuneMdmImportHandler will import new devices from Intune, and delete any previously imported Intune device that does not longer exist in Upkeeper. Azure AD user import (9815): AzureAdHandler now imports and synchronizes users from Azure AD. Sharing applications (9628): Packages built for a sharing application is distributed to a new path "\shared\applicationId\packageId.wim" and this package is copied to all sharing applications. Bug fixes Intune will not recreate deleted computer (10364): A deleted computer in upkeeper that is created in Intune will now be created as a new computer in upkeeper. The deleted computer will not be reactivated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Client API 4.10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- New functions Bug fixes Optmized reliability inventory (9616): Now only average values are stored per day, and all history is replaced by new values. Same treatment for reliability event log. Standard hardware (9840): Organization filter is applied to standard hardware setting using self registration from SOS. Install in user context blocks other installations (9066): Applications with "Install in user context" enabled will no longer block other applications if no user is logged in on the computer. If noone is logged in all other applications will be given priority over applications with "Install in user context". Install in user context triggering other reinstalls (10380): This function will now only trigger reinstall for the user on the computer in question. Install in user context only installing for one user (10324): This function will now install the application for the user on all machines where the user is logged in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Windows Client 4.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------- New functions Sharing applications (9628): The client will look for shared applications on the new path "\shared{applicationId}{packageId}" - where both {applicationId} and {packageId} refers to the parent sharing application. Bug fixes Can not replace all files when upgrade. (4.10.1) Optimized applications view (9615): Will no longer refresh while the window is minimized. Memory leak Application view (9500): Will no longer take up more and more space due to memory leak Metering case sensitivity (8951): the REGEDIT flag MeasureFiles no longer is case sensetive in the application. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Windows SOS Client 4.10 --------------------------------------------------------------- New functions Bug fixes UEFI path (8378): The path for UEFI file copy has changed to Y:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\ORG instead of Y:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD PDB files (9997): PDB files removed from binary folder GetHardwareDrivers causing error in log (10381): The error message regarding GetHardwareDrivers shown when no drivers where found has been removed, along with the "GetPostCommand" error message that erroneously was shown even though no error occurred with that command.