Upkeeper.Client.Logger.exe to cache messages that haven't been sent
Today: If the ClientAPI isn't available when we try to send the message, the message will be lost. If you use it in a Application package, this is usually not a problem because the ClientAPI is available when we are executing applications packages.
Solution: Upkeeper.Client.Logger.exe will cache messages that haven't been sent
Why: Would make the sending of messages more reliable and give us more scenarios when we can use the Upkeeper.Client.Logger.exe outside of upKeeper executions.
Example #1: We maybe wan't to execute Upkeeper.Client.Logger.exe based on a Windows Event log trigger with the Task Scheduler. We can't tell for sure if the computer is connected at that moment and the message maybe lost.
Example #2: I create a user input for BitLocker PIN-code in the same solution that is activating BitLocker with PIN and I want to transfer that PIN-code to upKeeper. We can't tell for sure if the computer is connected at that moment and the message maybe lost.
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