Unable to install
When I are about to install Windows 10 on a Lenovo L570 via upKeeper it goes directly from "Prepare local store" to "prepare to restart computer". And it then goes into a loop. I hade the same issue with a Lenovo E470 before, it was resolved by deleting it from upKeeper, had it turned on over the weekend and on Monday it was no problem installing it. I cant imagine that this is something you have to do, I guess it was just luck.
Any ideas about this?
Official comment
The short answer is that something goes wrong when the disk is prepared for the new operating system. There can be many different things causing the problem, like wrong masstorage drivers, dynamic partion order or bad partion scripts. To get more information of the problem look in the soslog .txt file and search for errors. Sos log can be read when boot sos into debug mode.
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