Upkeeper generating a lots of traffic at clients end
we have almost 1000 clients in upkeeper and we have now noticed that all clients are generating a lot of traffic to the server (distribution server). 250GB per month per client which is a lot and causes problems in our network.
What could be the cause to this? If I understand correctly, the offline image should only be downloaded once to the clients desktops?
Official comment
This kind of problems is often caused by bad disk or network drivers and in some cases it is caused by a overactive antivirus client trying to monitoring the file share.
the traffic caused by Upkeeper was found out to be because of offline image was activated for our platform. After disabling the offline image the traffic generated by Upkeeper disappeared. This has to be some kind of bug.
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The upKeeper client will download the latest image if the platform selected is set to offline. If there are many clients that have the same platform selected they will generate some network load. To reduce network impact offline images should be selected with care or the property "maxconcurrentclientchanges" should be enabled. A warning when enabling offline imageing should be a step in the right direction.
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we have 800 clients which managed to create 90 terabytes of traffic. So they would keep on downloading the offsite image over and over again. This is being troubleshooted by the reseller of the product in Finland.
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If them image is not updated and the system can generate a check sum for the image and all clients already have the correct image there should not be any download traffic at all. If all parameters mentioned about are met and the clients still to download image there is a bug. If soo please make sure your reseller report this to there support channel so the issue can be analysed and corrected.
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