Installing application using user's session
we have a problem deploying an application because it has to be installed using user's session and should be installed under users profile. Is this possible to achieve using Upkeeper? Normally Upkeeper uses a SYSTEM-account to install applications and due to this the application we are trying to install is being installed to a windows/system32 folder.
Best regards,
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Normally we let upKeeper create a task and copy necessary files to a local file path. The task is then executed as a one time event on a singular user or on every user that loges on.
so do we need upkeeper for this or could we just do this via group policy? Or what do you mean that you let upkeeper create task etc?
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We recommend that you use upKeeper and create a package that and that the package create a task that executes in the user session. The advantage of using upKeeper for this is that you can create a package for removeable of the function and you get feedback when each computer has got the package.
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