Yes, upKeeper client can use a specific drive letter when mapping a SMB fileshare. To have the client to use a specific driveletter you have to specify it in the registry settings. If you add a string value under Settings called Driveletter and give it the value of the letter you want to use, it will be used after you have restarted the computer or upKeeper client service. It will be use once and then it will fall back to dynamic drive letter mapping. If you want the drive letter assignment to last you have to specify it as a policy setting (see example).
One time assignment
To configure the client to use L letter as assigned drive letter once.
Driveletter = L
Policy assignment
To configure the client to use L letter as assigned drive letter.
Driveletter = L
One comment to this: Adding the registry key does not remove the old mapping to the default z-driveletter. After the registry key has been added, there are two mapped drives from smb fileshare.
Mapped drive letter is normally unmapped after they are used, but can be left untouched if they are used after application changes has finished. If this is a common problem, and a task unmapping unused drives and verify that the problem is solved.
We have a problem with this. Even though we have created the registry key to all computers in our environment, we still have those ghost mapped z-drives which upkeeper has created. We have a lot of computers where there are both z and w-drives used by upkeeper mapping and we have not yet found a way to get rid of the z-drive mappings using logon scripts. The command to remove the z-drive mapping has to be run from promoted cmd (psexec -s -i net use z: /delete)
You have to run the remove mapping script as a administrator och as local system. One way is to greate a task with script and let i run once on specific computers or all computers.
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