To manage your Hyper-V server there are a few options, the classic option is to use Hyper-V Manager and this works great if your Hyper-V server and your manage computer belongs to the same domain. If you like a more flexible and modern way to manage your virtual environment I recommend Windows Admin Center. Windows Admin Center can be downloaded from Microsoft for free and runs on Windows client and server operating systems.
Download and install Windows Admin Center is quit straight forward but remember that you have to install it as a local admin and later on run the application as a local admin. When started for the first time your local computer is added but you can add more computers and server. For added computers you can specify which user account should be used and it can be a user in another domain.
To start manage your Hyper-V environment you have to add the name or IP address of your Hyper-V server. After the server is added you can specify which account should be used to connect with. Next step is connect to you your server and start manage your Hyper-v environment.
A Hyper-V environment is a create place to create a good lab environment. Read my article were I describe our lab environment and which choices we made. You can monitor your entire environment when you have connected to your Windows Hyper-V server.
Virtual machines are listed and you get a good overview of resource used by each machine.
Click on one of the machines to get more information our manage it. Managing can be done from inside each machine view or from the list of machines. You can connect to the machines from the web interface but I prefer use classic RDP and if you click the dropdown of Connect you get to chose "Download RDP file" which works for all your machines in the environment. It is a unique RDP file for each machine.
I recommend using Windows Admin Center for your Hyper-V and server environment. Read my other article on how to install Windows Hyper-V Server 2019 Hyper-V on Intel NUC.
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