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Work with Powershell in upKeeper


1 comment

  • Peter Johansson

    You can add more information in to the header and get cleaner calls for methods. Thanks Markus Ullin for this input.


    # 1. Set up the connection to the API



    #Configure URL to upKeeper API

    $baseUrl = "https://upKeeperApiUrl"

    $apiUrl = "$baseUrl/api"

    $tokenUrl = "$baseUrl/token"


    # Get Credentials

    $myCreds = Get-Credential -Message "Enter API Username"


    # Create body for login

    $loginBody = @{

        UserName = $myCreds.UserName

        Password = $myCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password

        grant_type = "password"

        client_id = "ngAuthApp"



    # Acquire an API access token

    $token = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $tokenUrl -Method Post -Body $loginBody -ContentType "application/json"


    # Header for subsequent REST API calls

    $header = @{Authorization="$($token.token_type) "+$token.access_token}


    # Save the user_organizations in the variable $allOrg

    $allOrg = $token.user_organizations | ConvertFrom-Json


    # Set standard-parameters for Invoke-RestMethod

    $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{

        "Invoke-RestMethod:Headers" = $header

        "Invoke-RestMethod:ContentType" = "application/json;charset=utf-8"

        "Invoke-RestMethod:Verbose" = $true



    # Use Out-GridView to select the organization to work with

    $selectedOrg = $allOrg | Out-GridView -PassThru

    $orgNumber = $selectedOrg.Number

    $orgId = $selectedOrg.Id



    # 2. List computers, devices and applications



    # Get all computers in organization

    # GET api/{organizationNumber}/ComputerNames

    $allComputers = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$apiURL/$orgNumber/ComputerNames"


    # Get all devices in organization

    # GET api/{organizationNumber}/Users

    $allDevices = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$apiURL/$orgNumber/DeviceNames"


    # Get all applications in organization

    # GET api/{organizationNumber}/Applications

    $allUsers = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$apiURL/$orgNumber/Applications"



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