upKeeper Manager 4.11 includes new functions and bugfixes which are listed below. FIles and more tehnical details can be found on our ftp site.
New features
Zendesk integration updated
Several new features for the Zendesk integration is implemented in 4.11. Tickets can be updated without the need of adding notes. CCs will be shown inside tickets and searchbar will suggest known email adress as you are typing. Tickets can be created with new requester not earlier know to the system.
Drivers in hardware profiles
Drivers for hardware profiles are moved and located in the organisations folder thougether with application files ([distribution-folder]/[organisation-id]/[hardware-driver-id].wim). Hardware driver wim are downloaded and stored in the SOS partition and can be reused. Service Operating System will priorities hardware profile drivers over legacy configuration and there by ignore any XML settings.
Reliability reporting optimization
The tray client reports far less information each reporting cycle by determining what has been reported or not.
Silent installation of applications
A new property exists for applications which allow silent installation on computers. Navigate to “Advanced” tab under Applications and check the box that states 'Do not show client popup'. When installing silent software, the tray client will omit the balloon popup.
MFA Email
MFA Email settings has been changed and is configurable in appsettings.config inside the upKeeper API. It's easy to setup and use with SendGrids SMTP at https://sendgrid.com.
Deleting groups warning
When deleting a group, a prompt now appears showing how many computers are impacted by the action.
Smarter Rescheduling of tasks
If an active task is taking too long inside the upKeeper client, and the system tries to execute another task, the system now reschedules the task 1 minute later.
WSUS logging
Advanced users can now diagnose issues with the WSUS component with the added logging tools.
Install In User Context improvements
Reinstalling apps that install through user context no longer yields unclickable apps in the upKeeper client. Additionally, the icons for the current state of an app is shown as normal.
InventoryStartupTask for client
Advanced users can now through scripting or manual means set a windows registry key to 'InventoryStartupTask' in HKLM\Software\upKeeper\Client. This will make the computer submit an inventory report on startup. The key is deleted after it's been used.
Bug fixes
- Information icon is shown on popup when installing/uninstalling application.
- Only permitted tasks are shown in list on single devices.
- SOS will not show "Identify Computer" dialog if SOS can not reach upKeeper client endpoint.
- upKeeper components can be installad on windows versions with long names (evaluation version).
- Change hardware profile on a device with causing crash.
- Shared applications can be installed and uninstalled over HTTP.
- Share applications can be uninstalled over SMB.
- All upKeeper Manager uses the same Newtonsoft JSON parser.
- Tasktype 'Now' functional for more than one hour.
- Can not add same application twice to a computer.
- Web Administration blocked for non upKeeper administrators.
- DuoSTATION device import checkbox can be toggled.
- Search text in computer tab is not persistent.
- The list of tasks in the 'Tasks' tab is fixed to only contain tasks applicable for scheduling.
- Applications installed in user context are resetted when computer is reinstalled.
- Can register new computer in SOS if organization dows not allow automatic registration.
- Default hardware are only available to organization where it is definied.
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